Family Photos at Seattle Center and Kerry Park

Family photo at Seattle Center, with the Center Fountain in the background

Family Photos at Seattle Center and Kerry Park

Family Photo Session at Seattle Center and Kerry Park

Last weekend I met up with the Spencer Family (Tammy, Rick and Shelby) for a family photo session.  The Spencers are from Texas, and were going to be visiting Seattle for a few days.  Tammy had contacted me a couple of weeks earlier with their plans, and wanted to know if I’d be able to squeeze them in for a photo session.

The big issue was the weather.  If you’re a Seattle area resident you know how unpredictable the weather has been so far this spring, with a lot more cold and wet days than nice ones.  So Tammy and I kept emailing as the date got closer, and when I spotted what looked like our best chance at a non-rainy day we made our plans and crossed our fingers!

By some miracle the weather forecasters actually called it correctly, and when we met at the base of the Space Needle it was cloudy with patches of blue sky peeking through.  The Spencers had done a little reconnaissance of the Center the day before, but hadn’t really seen the whole area, so I took them on a circuit of my favorite photo spots.  You’ll see some of our stops when you look at the photos below.  My favorite today was the  Fountain, where kids were trying to run near the spray without really getting wet; sometimes they guessed correctly which jets would fire next and were able to dodge, but other times they got blasted!  Since it was not exactly warm outside there were some rather cold and wet kids, but they didn’t seem to care.

After we did our circuit of the Center we made the short drive to nearby Kerry Park.  This is easily the most photographed location/viewpoint in Seattle, with an amazing view out over Seattle Center and the Space Needle as well as all of downtown Seattle and Elliot Bay, with the added bonus of Mt Rainier if the weather gods smile and the clouds don’t block the view.  On this particular day there were a pretty good number of tourists and locals who wanted to catch the view (and maybe a few photos), but we were mostly able to make space for ourselves so I could get some nice shots of the Spencers.

Time for you to check out the photos below, I hope that you like them!

Seattle Center family photo session, family poses for a photo near the base of the Space Needle

Seattle Center family photo session, close up of the family with the Space Needle in the background

Seattle Center family photo session, group photo in one of the gardens near the Space Needle

Seattle Center family photo session, father and daughter pose in front of flowering trees

Seattle Center family photo session, family poses on rocks in front of flowering trees

Seattle Center family photo session, young blond woman with flowering tree

Seattle Center family photo session, family at the Center Fountain with the Space Needle in the background

Seattle Center family photo session, close up of family at the Center Fountain

Seattle Center family photo session, close up of husband and wife at the Center Fountain

Seattle Center family photo session, close up group shot at the Experience Music Project

Seattle Center family photo session, group photos with the Experience Music Project (EMP) in the background

Seattle Center family photo session, family group shot at Kerry Park, Seattle and Space Needle in the background

Seattle Center family photo session, family poses at the sculpture at Kerry Park

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